Day by day booklet
Day by Day
The mandate was to track my daily activities and habits for 10 weeks in order to make a infographic booklet representing all the results. I decided to track my hours of sleep, coffee consumption, what I watch on the tv and the number of hours I figure skate.
Day by day GIFDay by day spreads
Day by day spreads
The Approach
After the 10 weeks were tracked, I started to work on the infographics. The goal was to make the book look bold and fun to look at. I wanted typography to have a big part in it as well therefore I added in some quotes which gives the viewer a hint of my personality. I added in some illustrations as well to make the data easy and fun to read.
Day by day spreads
The solution
The end result is a small but mighty infographic book that portrays my personality to the viewer. The bright pink is immediately eye catching and every section of data is represented differently which results in the viewer staying intrigued. I decided to name the final result Day by Day because while I was tracking I realized that in order to not get overwhelmed with things I just had to take everything one day at a time. 
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